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Monday, May 19, 2008

Word of mouth...

Well then... I didn't think I would be posting again so soon, but we received an email from a customer today that HAD to be shared. For one thing, this customer (Christina) lives in Kansas City and found us on the internet. She asked about the baptismal items for a Greek Orthodox baptism. After much thought, Christina decided to place an order with Koziol Kreations. This was especially challenging for Christina and us, because this customer would be paying for merchandise that she would not see until the items were received. She was only able to see pictures of previous items.

Christina received the baptismal box and was, to say the least, very pleased. To share her exact words: "You did an amazing job!!! My husband and I were blown away when we finally got to see the box upon our arrival. It was absolutely beautiful and I appreciate all of your attention to detail. I have passed your website on to people...and will definitely keep you in mind for future occasions."

This is the kind of service that Koziol Kreations provides to each and every customer, for each and every special occasion. Anita is currently working on another baptismal box for a customer from Des Moines, Iowa. This box is being shipped to New York. Hopefully there will be more words of thanks and encouragement from this customer for me to share as well.

Until then, feel free to call Koziol Kreations at 815-861-3478 for all your special occasion needs or visit the website at www.koziolkreations.com.

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