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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Profit isn't everything...

Hello again.... Anita has an order to fulfill for a customer. She needs almost 200 mini chinese take-out containers. You all know what those are... little square type boxes with the metal "hangar" to carry them by. So anyway, she placed the order with one of our suppliers last week. Everything on schedule right??? WRONG!!!!! There was an email sent today, a week after the order was placed, saying the item is no longer available. There was also an apology attached.

So what was Anita doing this afternoon? She was driving around to different craft stores (Micheal's, Hobby Lobby, etc.) looking for them. While we will be paying retail cost for these items, instead of our normal discounted price from our supplier, we are fulfilling the order. This is cutting into our profit, obviously, but it shouldn't always be about profit. Every bride deserves the wedding of their dreams and Koziol Kreations makes sure to do whatever we can to help give each bride that dream.

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